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05. GPH Alabama BULL

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  • Sired by
    PRO Arizona
  • Dam
    GPH Ilija


05. GPH Alabama BULL


geb. / né: 18.08.23

Stier / Taureau / Bull

Verkäufer / Vendeur / Consignor: Gaby & Philippe Arnold

gRZG 159...fullbrother at Bullseye, fullsister sold for 36'000€ at German Master Sale

Same family as Board and GPH Picard

(Pikakchu, gRZG 158 at RBB)

♂ PRO Arizona

♀ GPH Ilija 

due march 2024

2nd Dam:

GPH Illit VG-85

2/1 305d 9'476kg 4,1%F 319 3,6%P 337

3rd Dam:

EBH All-Star Ina VG-88

2-04 305d 10'632 4,67 497 3,69 392

next dams

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5. Inga 20 VG-87

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7. Veneriete Ida 31 VG-87

8. Veneriete Shottle Ida 6 VG-88

9. Butemare Venriete Ida 0 VG-86

10. Butemare Ida Jabot VG-85

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